
The goals you’ve achieved are the signposts of your life. The goals you haven’t achieved are the roadside litter. And there are more bits of litter than signposts. The goals most people set for themselves are those of other people: lose weight, learn a foreign language, save for the future, etc. Those are fine, but these goals point you to a crossroads full of other people just like you.

The most valuable goals are the ones that are unique to you and take you off the well-trod path. These goals define who you are, not who you are like. These are, also, the scariest goals to set and work toward, because they stretch your comfort zone. Growth is always painful.

Make your goals your own. Make your goals challenge you. Don’t make your goals restrictive. Don’t set deadlines or use other parameters that limit your chance for progress and success.

And remember, as long as you’re moving toward your goals, you haven’t gotten lost.

#life #success

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