March 22, 2021
22/03/21 12:08
- I realized I don’t have to load a package in iOS, just the files I need. For some reason this never "clicked". I've always treated a package/folder as a single unit in my code. Knowing this will simplify a lot of things.
- You can’t break the rules or even know if you’ve created something original if you’ve never learned or played by the rules.
- Dashes and hyphens. I knew this—learned this ages ago, and wanted a refresher, so I looked it up.
- The shorter en dash (–) is used to mark ranges.
- The en dash is sometimes also used yeahin the same way as an em dash; in this case, it takes a space on either side
- The longer em dash (—) is used to separate extra information or mark a break in a sentence
- Hyphens (-), which are used to combine words (as in well-behaved or long-running). A hyphen should not be used in place of a dash.
- I like planning stories. But it’s not as gratifying as just writing.
- How Pilot FriXion pens work.
- JetPens - FriXion Pens
- Three compounds:
- A special dye that changes color upon reaction with acids;
- Compounds that act as acids to produce the color change; and
- Compounds that regulate the temperature at which the color transition will take place.
- When you rub the ink with the hard rubber eraser, heat from the resulting friction causes the temperature-sensing compound to activate the acid compounds, thus neutralizing the dye. That’s how they make the ink virtually disappear!
- Because of its heat-reacting properties, the ink may reappear when temperatures reach below -10 C (under 14 Fahrenheit).

- I can use the Bear app as a wiki.