
What happens if you need an idea but can’t seem to come up with one? More importantly, have you ever wondered what such a block is and how to work through it? Blocks, despite the name, don’t block creativity or ideas. They are a sign that you have questions and don’t know the answer, or more likely, you don’t even know the question to ask. Sometimes overthinking or trying to force an answer cause a block.

That should be a hint about how to deal with blocks.

Take a step back, figure out what you are trying to accomplish. Be as specific as possible—ask a specific small-grained question. You aren’t trying to hit the goal by breaking through the block. You’re trying to just move forward to the next problem.

If you try to force your way through a block by fighting for an idea that never seems to come, you aren’t seeing the problem correctly, and no amount of fighting will create a solution. The answer to this type of block is to take a step back. Literally, take a break. Take the day away from the problem. As the saying goes, sleep on it. This frees you from hitting your head against the proverbial wall. A free mind is a creative mind.

Blocks will always occur. The secret isn’t to bully your way through them, but to embrace them and work around them.

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