Changes to Core Rules
After a fair amount of testing, I’ve decided to concentrate on the core game loop. I’ve cleaned it up and make it more interesting. I got tired of dealing with my scribbled cards, so I used a label maker to create some neater cards. In the process I got rid of the quadrant idea, for now. Instead, I have a simple list of four items; From top to bottom, they are the quadrants: event, encounter, discovery, location.
I’ve also decided to go from 9 cards and the camping card up to 12 plus the camping card. This allows the cards to be evenly dealt in hands of four cards. That was a stupid mistake originally that i should have thought through.
I now have double-sided cards with the four items. This allows for more variety. Now when you run through the deck, you cut the deck in half, flip one half over and then shuffle.
I’ll update the manual in the next few days to reflect the changes.